
Montana Tech Statement in regards to National Women’s 历史 Month

Montana Tech proudly celebrates National Women's 历史 Month, 将这段时间用来纪念和认可历史上女性做出的杰出贡献. 作为一所致力于促进平等和赋予我们社区所有成员权力的大学, we take pride in acknowledging women’s achievements, 领导, and resilience in various fields.

During this month, Montana Tech seeks to inspire and educate, 强调妇女在塑造我们的世界中发挥的重要作用. From groundbreaking discoveries in STEM to advancements in the arts, 人文学科, 及以后, women have been instrumental in driving progress and innovation.

We encourage our community to participate in events, 讨论, 以及促进对女性历史的认识和欣赏的活动. Through education and reflection, 我们渴望创造一个提升妇女地位和赋予妇女权力的包容性环境, both within our campus community 及以后.

在一起, 让我们向为子孙后代铺平道路的妇女的遗产致敬, 并继续为实现性别平等的未来而努力.