孤峰's mining history contributes to our curriculum.
You'll study with state-of-the-art technology.
Study in the nation's only on-campus underground mine.

Mining 工程 is one of the most versatile engineering disciplines 我们的毕业生能够在现代采矿业中找到自己的定位. 随着全球矿产需求的增加,需要支持能源转型和电气化的目标, 采矿工程师再次发现自己站在了最前沿 innovation and technology development. Graduates from Montana Tech will continue to lead the “traditional” sectors of the mining industry; such as construction materials, base and precious metals, and coal; but demand for “new” critical minerals like the rare earth elements, 锂, and cobalt will provide increased opportunities for our students.

Students at Montana Tech receive a practical, world-class education 它侧重于采矿的基础知识,同时确保我们的学生为未来将带来的挑战做好准备. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院为我们的采矿工程师准备未来的职业道路,从矿山设计等领域的技术专家, 爆破, 岩石力学, 或通风的操作角色,领导团队的矿井操作和维护人员, 并在一些世界顶级矿业公司担任管理职务. The common theme across all of our graduates is their desire to solve complex problems and the skillsets they need to be successful.

菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的采矿工程系为学生提供了一个 transformative student experience 这包括暴露在地表和地下采矿作业中, access to cutting-edge labs, and an appreciation for safety; sustainability; and diversity, 股本, 和包容. 学生接受行业特定软件的培训和经验,并能够将实践知识应用于我们独特的, on-campus underground mining. 他们也被鼓励去北美各地的矿业公司寻求工业工作经验,大多数学生早在大一就能找到实习机会.

Mission Statement

采矿工程系为我们的学生准备领导全球采矿业,通过负责任的矿产资源开发来满足社会不断变化的需求. 我们还努力通过继续提供变革性的学生体验,确保毕业生具有实践能力,以纪念蒙大拿矿业学院和校友的遗产, real-world skillsets, and are prepared to contribute to the modern mining industry.

100% Career Outcome Rate

最年. See our outcomes.

10:1 Student to 教师 Ratio
Engaged, Experienced 教师
Mining 工程, B.S.

采矿工程专业的学生通过abet认证的采矿工程学士学位获得全面的技能和工作准备. 设计、建造和管理世界各地的地表和地下矿山.

Mining 工程, M.S.

采矿工程理学硕士候选人可以选择在地质材料力学领域进行研究, 爆破, materials handling, 我的估价, 通风, 刚体静力学, 我的设计, 矿山安全, and environmental management and design of mines.

Earth Science and 工程 Ph.D.

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Earth Science and 工程 (ESE), 建立在工程和科学学士和硕士课程以及蒙大拿矿业和地质局(MBMG)的基础上。. Specialization in mining engineering is an option.

Where Are Our Students From?

Where Do Our 校友 Work?

Explore Montana Tech's School of Mines & 工程
See why mining engineering students choose Montana Tech.

At the Center for Environmental Remediation and 评估, we pursue science-based, 为自然资源开采环境风险创造有效解决方案的实践研究.




采矿队是一个学生管理的组织,允许学生在全国(和世界各地)竞争!) in mining-related events.

Underground Mine Education Center

In 2010, 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院收购了一座废弃的银矿,名为孤儿矿, which serves as an on-campus underground classroom. 第一批研究项目之一是证明利用孤儿男孩矿温暖的矿水中发现的地热能来加热55的可行性,000 ft² Natural Resources Building at Montana Tech.

了解更多 about Mining 工程 at Montana Tech

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We'll answer your questions and help you get started.

Scott Rosenthal
Associate Professor
(406) 496-4867